Story Time: I Smashed My Child Hood Friend's Ex Wife

Mane this situation reminds of the movie made by Tyler Perry name addicted it’s actually a book by zane that Tyler Perry turned into a movie. So about three something in the morning I’m scrolling Facebook and received a message from this female she like hey I’m like what’s up I’m thinking like why is this woman messaging me she asked me did I know this one girl I’m like that’s my homeboy’s girl she said I asked her about you she said you was cool I’m like ok she was like I’m coming down there Friday I’m like ok that’s what’s up I’m saying to myself nah this bitch on something. She worked at nsk if I’m not mistaken she would go in in the afternoon and get off around three something in the morning so we eventually link up I notice she had the last name of a nigga I went to school so I asked are him and her related she looked at me and was like that’s your cousin I’m like nah that’s my homeboy I went to school with him she was like I used to be married to him I’m like ok I knew dude...