Story time: when Jay-Z A&R was trying to signed me

Somewhere around 2012 or 2013 I can’t remember during the summer after months of having protools LE I finally learn how to use this shit after watching a couple of videos on YouTube. We had started the deck back up those who live a certain lifestyle know what I mean when I say deck so after the deck was organized and people was put in position I’m still recording and posted music online back then YouTube Facebook and Twitter was connected every time you uploaded a video to YouTube it would come up as a tweet and it would automatically be posted on your Facebook after hearing g unit version of Troy ave’s all about da money I’m like shit I’m gonna do me one. I uploaded mines to YouTube one day I’m at the crib I get a call from New York I think da phone wrong like once or twice next I get a message it’s def jam please call google my name Lenny S for those that don’t know that’s jay z’s man he was also on this shit with Rick Ross and the dream called signed that aired on VH1 I called...